

  • 2
  • 나에 대한 특별한 점

    Hello there, I'm a 28-years-old girl who lives in Italy. 😀
    I'm here 'cause I really hope I get a chance to make international friends. It would be nice practice my english and learn new languages.
    I enjoy tv shows, books, movies and I'm a forestry student so I love nature! 🌲🌻

  • 좋아하는 책/작가/영화

    TV shows: Friends, Big bang Theory, Penny Dreadful, Chuck, Dirk Gently
    Movies: Mostly Marvel movies, Harry Potter...
    Books: Harry Potter, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Pride and Prejudice...

  • 지금으로부터 10년 후

    In ten years time I really hope I'm a ranger working in a big park

  • 내가 방문한 도시와 국가

    Brescia (Italy), Innsbruck, Vienna, Athens, London

  • 저는 ~에 대해 이야기 하는 것을 즐깁니다.

    I always enjoy talking about Marvel movies and movies in general (I'm trying to watch as many movies as i can), travels, different cultures, litterature and so many other things I can't think.

  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    I'm an extrovert soul trapped in introverted girl.

